Psychological Assessments

At Emotional Balance, we provide a diverse range of assessments that are evidence-based and consider the person and their environment. These assessments offer comprehensive insights into various aspects of a person's characteristics, behaviours and functioning. These assessments are crucial in making informed recommendations, so that people are empowered to achieve their desired goals and dreams.

Our suite of assessments includes the below, but if you are after something else, reach out to us to discuss. 

Adaptive-Psychosocial Assessment:

This assessment considers a person's mental health, physical health, social wellbeing, and functional capacity within the community and home environment. It is a holistic assessment that makes recommendations for NDIS supports and mainstream supports. 

Supported Independent Living Assessment:

Designed to assess the support needed for independent living, this assessment includes recommendations about what housing may be suitable for the person as well as other NDIS support recommendations and mainstream support recommendations. 

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fifth Edition (WISC-V):

An individually administered clinical instrument catering to children aged six to 16, the WISC-V assesses general thinking and reasoning skills. It delivers a Full-Scale Intelligence Quotient (IQ) score, along with age-equivalent rankings and scores for specific composites, aiding in identifying intellectual disabilities, giftedness, learning disabilities, and clinical intervention.

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS):

Designed for adults and older adolescents, the WAIS measures intelligence and cognitive ability.

Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS-IV):

A neuropsychological test measuring memory functions, the WMS-IV provides valuable insights for people aged 16 to 90. It includes Index Scores for Auditory Memory, Visual Memory, Visual Working Memory, Immediate Memory, and Delayed Memory, offering a comprehensive view of cognitive functioning.

Assessment of Risk and Manageability of Individuals with Developmental and Intellectual Limitations Offend - Sexually (ARMIDILO-S):

The ARMIDILO-S is a structured risk and management guideline instrument which assesses the risk of sexual recidivism in individuals diagnosed with intellectual and developmental disabilities